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How Talent Pooling is the Future of Public Sector Workforce Organisation

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

After the last two years of a global pandemic the UK’s labour market has seen recovery and areas of growth since the last quarter of 2021.

Unemployment was kept low due to the Governments furlough scheme, but despite these encouraging signs, figures show that there are still half a million less people in work than there were before the pandemic. There are a number of reasons for this, the self-employed sector has seen a large decline and the number of people who were classified as economically inactive before the pandemic has also grown (Source: Click here)

Public sector employment has seen steady growth throughout and councils have had to redeploy part of their workforce to cope with the demand, prompted by the pandemic. Staffing capacity is crucial in such times of need and the following factors can make a huge difference; being able to respond quickly to cover shortfalls in staffing, freeing up the time of skilled individuals to focus on core work and redeploying/hiring staff to perform administrative duties.

Most local authorities will have a HR admin system of some sort that perform well with regards to the management of an incumbent, but what do you do when you need to respond quickly to an immediate need? A talent pool isn’t just a collection of active and passive candidates who have applied for a role at some point and are in a recruitment pipeline. Your talent pool is so much more powerful! Incumbent staff can be added to a pool which will measure their skills and grade them in terms of suitability against a new position should you need to redeploy them.

When you need to make a new hire, you can initially search through your workforce and invite those who score highly with regards to the matched skill set required. Your cost and time to hire can be reduced significantly by approaching your recruitment activity by using talent pools.

As the landscape of the labour market changes due to societal factors, do not let your organisation be left behind. People Pool can be procured via a number of channels, as well as through YPO which is a compliant framework. Click here to book a demo of the platform or contact us via email at for more information.


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